Page 6 - Senior Expo 2015
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Focus on health
Seminars and screenings shed light on senior health
Health is a big part of the 2015 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Senior Expo.
From guest speakers to
essential health screenings, visitors to the expo will receive a lot of information about their health, as well as valuable screenings to understand their personal needs.
Frailty is an important concern for seniors, and at 11 a.m., one seminar will deal with this problem. Three Ways to Combat Frailty: Food, Fun and Fitness will be presented by Jeanne Wei, M.D., Ph.D., and Arny Ferrando, Ph.D. Wei is a geriatrician and chairwoman of the Reynolds Department of Geriatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Ferrando is a professor at the Reynolds Department of Geriatrics and a researcher.
Arny Ferrando, Ph.D.
Simon Mears, M.D.
Jeanne Wei, M.D.
Sandra Lubin , M.A., R.N.
Gayle Quattlebaum, P.T.
Knee and hip health can be a big factor in a senior’s independence. At 1 p.m., the seminar Hips and Knees: How to Stay Active as You Age will be presented by Simon Mears, M.D., Ph.D., and Gayle Quattlebaum, P.T., M.A., C.M.T. Mears is a professor in the UAMS Department of Orthopedics, and
Quattlebaum is a physical therapist at UAMS Rehabilitation Therapy.
At 2 p.m., the seminar Caregiving and You: Tips and Tools will give valuable tips for both caregivers and their patients. The seminar will be presented by Sandra Lubin, M.A., R.N, from UAMS’ College of Nursing.
Health screenings will also be provided by the experts at UAMS. No appointment is necessary. In addition, “Ask the Doc” 15-minute private consultations can be scheduled on-site. Seniors can also receive nutrition, vision and weight-loss information tailored to their specific needs from UAMS.
Available screenings will include:
• Blood glucose screening: This test measures the amount of sugar, called glucose, in the blood. Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells in the body. This test can help detect signs of diabetes.
• Blood pressure and heart rate:
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. High blood pressure can cause serious problems such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney failure. Blood pressure can be controlled through healthy lifestyle habits and medication.
• Body-mass index and body- fat percentage: This screening will determine if a senior is a healthy weight. Being obese or overweight means that a person’s weight is greater than it should be for good health. Being underweight means that a person’s weight is lower than it should be for good health. A healthy body weight depends on a person’s sex and height. A sudden, unexpected change in weight can be a sign of a medical problem. Good nutrition and exercise can help in losing weight.
— Information courtesy of the National Institute of Health

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