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Many homeowners pick up their paintbrushes in an effort to make their homes more colorful. But homeown- ers need not embrace their inner Picasso to brighten their homes’ interiors. The following are a handful of paint-free ways to add some splashes of color to any home this fall.
Flowers and plants can make colorful additions to a home’s interior. Flowers tend to be aromatic, which can make a stuffy house in which windows need to be kept closed a lot more pleasant. Plants and flowers can also improve indoor air quality. Several studies, including one published in the Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, have shown that houseplants improve indoor air quality by filtering out volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, that can be harmful to human health. That’s especially important come late fall and winter, when homeowners typically shut their windows and keep them shut until spring, making it difficult for fresh air to enter a home.
Natural sunlight brightens a room come spring and sum- mer. But sunlight is increasingly scarce as fall turns into win- ter, and rooms that do not boast many colorful accents can quickly grow drab as summertime sunlight dwindles. Instead of buying new furniture, invest in some colorful throw pillows to give a room a more vibrant look. Patterns can be mixed and matched to provide some contrast and transform a room from somewhere to spend time in to a sight to behold.
Another way to add color to the walls without dusting off a paintbrush is to hang some colorful artwork. Paintings that feature bold colors tend to draw immediate attention when one enters a room, and that quality can make homeowners forget that the room is not benefitting from natural light. To go the extra mile, find a painting that features colors that match throw pillows or other accessories in the room. This way, the walls and accessories are working in concert to make a room more colorful.
NATURAL Elegant accessories
Add elegance to any jewelry wardrobe with detailed pieces by Earth Grace Artisan Jewelry. Every bracelet, ring, earring pair and necklace is handmade to resemble God’s natural creations of simplicity and timeless beauty. TO BUY: Southern Paint
& Pearls, Kensett
All about Arkansas
Show some love for The Natural State with gifts and home decor from McCrory Marketplace, which offers an assortment of Arkansas- themed items. From Southern spreads to glasses of sweet tea, serve any meal the Arkansas way. TO BUY: McCrory Marketplace, McCrory
While many of today’s homeowners prefer paint to wallpa- per, those who want a less permanent solution to brighten up their homes may want to consider removable wallpaper. Such paper is less expensive than traditional wallpaper, and many do-it-yourselfers find removable wallpaper is easy to both install and remove. Choose a colorful pattern that can turn an oth- erwise plain wall into a potent palette that adds some life to a home’s interior. Because removable wallpaper does not require a significant financial investment, decorators can experiment with various colors or change things up each month if they so desire.
A patterned throw rug is another accessory that can effective- ly brighten a room without much effort or financial investment on the part of homeowners. When choosing a throw rug, find one that’s colorful but does not clash with existing furnishings, as homeowners don’t want the rug to draw attention for all the wrong reasons. Folks have more freedom with regard to rugs if they’re furnishing an empty room, as they can choose any rug they like, then select additional furnishings based on the rug.
Homes tend to darken as late fall turns into winter. But homeowners can brighten their homes in various ways, even if they prefer not to paint.
— Courtesy of Metro Creative
Sunday, August 19, 2018 • An Advertising Supplement to the Three Rivers Edition • What Women Want • 7SS
Colorful plants and throw pillows can brighten a home’s interior with minimal financial investment on the part of homeowners.
Lighten UP Paint-free ways to brighten a home
Autumn is a beautiful time of year marked by pleasant temperatures and colorful fall foliage. But as vibrant as nature can be in the weeks after summer has ended, homeowners know the shortened days of autumn mean less light inside their homes, which can become dreary, even in the weeks before the arrival of winter.
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