Sound Advice March 2015
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Don’t Waste Your Money!
Hi I am Dr. Kevin Tripp an Audiologist with Sound Advice Hearing Doctors. Everyday we meet people who have spent weeks - even months, searching online to become educated about hearing loss and hearing aids. Often they become more confused and end up being sold hearing aids that don’t work for them - and they pay too much. How can you avoid this?
Free Educational Seminar at Coltons
You have heard the old adage “information is power.” At Sound Advice we take this to heart, so we would like to extend a special invitation to attend our Luncheon Seminar on hearing loss at Coltons. We will empower you with information so you don’t purchase the wrong product and waste your money.
Here are a few things we will teach you at the seminar:
• The signs and causes of hearing loss.
• Why you can hear but not understand the words.
• When is hearing loss bad enough to do something about it? • Different types of products and technology levels.
• Why prices vary so much and what you should expect to pay. • How to choose a competent provider.
• How to avoid marketing tricks and gimmicks.
An Offer You Can’t Refuse next page g

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