Page 6 - RVO Bridal Show 2016
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Although many brides spend months planning their wedding details, they may forget to prepare for skin and hair to look the part of a blushing bride. Brides should begin many beauty treatments in advance and it is recommended to select the make up for the big day at least a month before the wedding.
Brides are the center of attention at their weddings, and many spend months pre- paring for the big day. Although navigat-
ing various beauty treatments can be tricky, the following timeline can help brides look their best.
SIX MONTHS OUT Schedule a beauty consultation
Brides should speak with beauty consul- tants six months before their wedding to al- low time to find a great consultant, schedule appointments and become familiar with their services.
“It’s great to maybe go to several different consultants and appointments to see who you can relate to the most,” said DJ Harris, a sales team manager at Belk in Conway. Brides should bring photos with hair and makeup ideas to the consultation, she added.
Jonya Davis, a director of BeautiControl in Russellville, said she likes to meet with brides six months ahead of time so they can try out her products. She also likes to analyze the bride’s fashion personality, skin-care needs and color palette at that time, she said.
Consider professional facials
Professional facials should take place one to six months before the wedding, depending on the extent of the treatments, Harris said.
“It can cause some redness. Some of them actually bring damaged pigmentation to the surface, so it’s a process,” she said, adding that brides should communicate their wedding dates and beauty goals to their estheticians. “That definitely needs to be part of the con- sultation,” she said.
THREE MONTHS OUT Begin a skin-care regimen
Brides can prepare their skin for the spotlight by adopting a skin-care routine at least three months before the wedding.That routine may include weekly facial masques, weekly exfoliation and a twice-weekly
microdermabrasion peel, Davis said.
“I like to get them on a skin-care line and let them use that at least three months out, just to make sure that they’re going to re-
spond well to it,” she said.
Soften hands and feet
For soft, smooth handshakes during the reception, brides should prepare about three months in advance. BeautiControl’s “A Countdown to Beautiful Bridal Skin” publi- cation recommends exfoliating three times a week and using cuticle oil and hand cream every night. Brides can ready their feet for bridal shoes with a weekly scrub and nightly salve, the publication states.
TWO MONTHS OUT Trim those tresses
To look well-groomed while avoiding any last-minute haircut snafus, brides should cut their hair about two months before the wedding, Harris said. During the appointment, they could also get a hair glaze, which adds brightness and shine to any hair color, she said.
ONE MONTH OUT Finalize your makeup selection
It is best for brides to pick out their foundation, shadow and other makeup at least a month ahead of time to avoid scrambling the week of the wedding, Davis said.
“We know everything that we’re going to put on the day of the wedding, so there’s not adjust work there,” she added.
Do a dress rehearsal
It can be helpful for brides to run through their hair and makeup about a month before the wedding so they can look at various options and make any needed changes.
“Things tend to go more smoothly for the makeup artist if they have an idea of what they’re doing,” Harris said, adding that brides should do a practice run for their hair.“Go to your stylist that you chose beforehand and play with some different hairstyles,” she said.
“Bridal shoots are a good time to do that,”
Bridal beauty

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