Page 4 - Baby Planner 2016
P. 4

4 • Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Getting ready for pregnancy
What most couples don’t realize when they consider having a baby is that it involves a lot of planning and preparedness. It’s not enough to be mentally ready — being physically fit and healthy is just as important, as it gives you a head start to a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
As we all know, conception is not as easy as it is made out to be. While some couples get lucky and conceive quickly, for others it could take longer than anticipated — sometimes even a few years. By making a few healthy choices and lifestyle compromises, you can boost your chances of getting pregnant. Eating the right foods and nutrients, losing weight and cutting down on caffeine and alcohol can all have a direct effect in helping you get pregnant.
If getting pregnant is high on your priority list, here’s what you should do to enhance your chances.
There’s nothing like a well-balanced diet to trigger your baby-making process. Be sure to get ample doses of protein, zinc, iron and vitamin C, as well, to improve your chances of conception.
Smoking affects fertility and also damages the ovaries. If you’re considering pregnancy, there’s no better time to kick the habit.
High stress levels can wreak havoc on your hormonal system, thereby affecting ovulation and conception.
Exercise regularly. Walking, swimming and cycling are the best activities. If you are either underweight or overweight, it can make con- ception harder and affect your baby’s health.

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