Page 2 - 2015 Senior Expo Three Rivers Edition
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event details
Know before
you go
Why should I go to the Three Rivers Edition Senior Expo? The 10th annual Three Rivers Edition Senior Expo will offer free health screenings, including glucose screening and blood-pressure checks, plus body-mass index (BMI) screenings, as well as risk assessments for coronary artery disease. There will be a cholesterol education station, and participants can also learn about smoking cessation. The event will offer seniors a chance to gather with other seniors, play bingo, interact with area businesses to learn about services being offered and register for giveaways. The expo is spon- sored by Unity Health, First Security Bank and the Three Rivers Edition of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
When is the event? It is from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, May 14.
4) Reboundingfromalatestart to retirement savings
6) 7 foods that promote better sleep
7) Recommended immunizations for people 50 and older
8) Tips for grandparents helping to raise children
The Three Rivers Edition Senior Expo will take place at the White County Fairgrounds, 802 Davis Drive in Searcy.
Entertainment for the 2015 Three Rivers Edition Senior Expo will be provided by Jay and The Twilighters.
Where will the expo be held? It will take place at the White County Fairgrounds, 802 Davis Drive in Searcy.
Will there be food at the event? First Secu- rity Bank will provide lunch for attendees at 11 a.m.
What can you tell me about the giveaways?
Attendees can register to win a getaway for two to Branson, Missouri, including two nights of lodging with dinner and a show, courtesy of Renee Taylor Travel Co. of Searcy. Other door prizes will be given away throughout the event.
Will there be entertainment? Yes. Entertain- ment will be provided by Jay and The Twilight- ers. They will perform songs from the 1950s and 1960s, as well as retro gospel songs.
table of
10) Maintain a healthy heart
Searcy woman finds worthwhile work as hospital volunteer
into your golden years
12) Benefits and perks of traveling after retirement
13) Tips for eating healthy after age 50
event location:

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